Webchat Lessons
Personal webchat lessons of 60 mins in duration are available for Beginners or Intermediate level photographers through the leading webchat providers.
There's no set syllabus, use the time to cover topics of use to you or opt for a general refresher of your key skills.
For your lesson you will need access to your main camea and lens, a broadband connection, webcam, mic and a quiet chatting environment. Webchats from a phone aren't really suitable unless you have a very stable connection and a very quiet location to call from.
To take a lesson, purchase your place through the Paypal button on this page - we will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time (normally lessons are available 11.30am - 2.30pm or 4pm - 7pm on selected weekday dates only, or 10am or 4pm on occasional weekend dates.
Purchase x1 single webchat lesson with Mark Andreani: £39

Extended Warranties
Have you bought a new camera in the last 30 days from an overseas supplier? Do you want a warranty that's longer than the miserly 12 months most manufacturers give you?
You can purchase an extended warranty through PhotoSchool and receive up to 7 years' insurance cover, valid worldwide.