PhotoSchool Refresher Photowalks

PhotoSchool Photowalks: £10.00
All former PhotoSchool Workshop or Online Course students, and any other amateur photographers with a good working knowledge of their cameras get the chance to attend PhotoSchool Refresher Photowalks in and around London led by Mark Andreani, at special discounted rates ( £50 for x6 sessions or single sessions from £10).
90 min photowalk
range of start locations across London
exhibition pub nights (currently planned)
The regular photowalks (currently held fortnightly) are a perfect way to build on skills and techniques learnt at the PhotoSchool location workshops.
The 90 min - 120 min (depending on conditions and numbers) PhotoWalks are quite a challange - to photograph the venue and range of subjects on offer means that there's no time for strolling around wondering what to take pictures of - they're designed to be an intensive session, with you shooting images for a 6 or 12 image photostory.
Buy x1 place at ONE London refresher photowalk: £10
To purchase a single place on a refresher photowalk, click the button below.
Buy x1 place at SIX different London refresher photowalks: £50
To purchase a single place on a refresher photowalk, click the button below.

I am of course at hand to answer any technical queries, but the aim of the sessions is to put photographers under time pressure to get results. This will greatly improve your ability to shoot almost any subject in limited time - so anything from weekends away to social events / people photography can benefit!
NB Some workshops start in daylight, others (during GMT) may start after dark. Most are street based but we do occasionally arrange walks around London or even outside London events / venues / attraction (additional transport / entrance costs may apply).
Photowalks will resume again from mid June 2017 - watch this space for details or send an email for next walk dates.

PhotoSchool Book Project
All PhotoSchool location workshop students who take part in the PhotoSchool Online Student Forum on Google+ can submit work to be considered for inclusion in the next PhotoSchool Book, due to be published 2018.
Ask your workshop tutor for further details or message us through the Student Forum.
Extended camera and lens warranties
Have you bought a new camera in the last 30 days from an overseas supplier? Or do you want a warranty that's longer than the miserly 12 months most manufacturers give you when you buy your camera in the UK? You can purchase an extended warranty through PhotoSchool and receive up to 3 years' insurance cover. More information here.
*Please note all payments sent by Paypal are subject to an additional charge of 4% to cover transaction fees